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soil humidity in Chinese

How to pronounce "soil humidity""soil humidity" in a sentence

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  • 土壤湿度
  • 土壤水分


  • Study on influence of soil humidity to injury of acetochlor
  • Influence of soil humidity and vegetation coverage on wind erosion
  • Meadow . microbial distribution also changes with the soil humidity in the different vegetations
  • The correlate analysis showed that soil temperature and soil humidity are the main limiting factors for microbial biomass
    月,这四个月的纤维素分解占全年总分解量的91 . 5 % 。
  • First , based on the satellite data ( noaa - avhrr ) and conventional observations , the land surface temperature and soil humidity of the above area is retrieved
    首先,本文的研究借助卫星遥感资料( noaa - avhrr )和常规资料,分别反演了该区域的土壤湿度和地表温度。
  • In order to make the weed identification system better adapt the various illumination intensity and soil humidity conditions , weed images were acquired in natural environment
  • Experiment of different farming methods were carryied out for 4 years , investigated and analyzed to the tide soil humidity and cotton benefit . the right machine plows method was selected
  • The results of twinspan indicated that the communities were classified into 10 associations , and the quadrats classification indicated two environmental gradients which were light intensity and soil humidity
  • The soil humidity is retrieved by revising the thermal inertia involving the vegetation canopy . the split - window techniques are used to pick - up the remote sensing information of the land surface temperature
  • With the decrease of soil humidity , the bacterial number decreases , while the fungal number increases generally . microbial biomass estimated by fluorescein microscopic counting the highest biomass of bacteria was appeared in august
  • More examples:  1  2
What is the meaning of soil humidity in Chinese and how to say soil humidity in Chinese? soil humidity Chinese meaning, soil humidity的中文soil humidity的中文soil humidity的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.